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CBD (Cannabidiol)

Interesting ingredient of the hemp plant

Cannabidiol (abbreviated: CBD) is an extremely interesting ingredient of the hemp plant with promising properties. Besides CBD, hemp also contains other so-called cannabinoids, THC being perhaps the best known. In commercial or industrial hemp, however, CBD is the cannabinoid with the highest concentration. These legally cultivable varieties contain hardly any THC, but a lot of CBD. CBD is not only a powerful antioxidant, it also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-epileptic and anti-psychotic effects. In addition, it also shows nerve-protective properties. Therefore, CBD has a broad field of application and does not show any relevant side effects

CBD must not be confused with THC

CBD is not psychoactive, i.e. it does not cause any psychic effects like THC Effects, like THC, which most people are familiar with when it comes to hemp consumption. CBD must not be confused with it! Nevertheless, it it makes sense to consult a specialist who is familiar with CBD in order to clarify any questions and Questions and concerns and to benefit from the positive properties benefit from the positive properties

CBD - Cannabidiol, medizinischer Wirkstoff der Hanfpflanze
Hemp plant
Miriam Bollier

Miriam Bollier

Works with a passion for image and text in marketing & communication. Loves her job and enjoys discovering the hidden treasures of nature. Mother of two little sports fans and always on the move herself. Enjoys the chaotic and beautiful family life. Enthusiastic about people, good food, the Swiss mountains and other beautiful things in life.