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Lactic acid bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria or probiotics

Milchsäurebakterien, Probiotika

Lactic acid bacteria or probiotics have this name because they produce lactic acid during the fermentation of carbohydrates. They form an important part of the gut microbiome, which incidentally contains more bacteria than we have body cells (read more under “microbiome“)! Lactic acid bacteria are important for the body: Among other things, they can ensure a balanced intestinal flora and good digestion, can inhibit the growth of pathogens, can have a favourable effect on the immune defence and also contribute to the regulation of the permeability of the intestine. The beneficial lactic acid bacteria are divided into three main groups: Acidophilus, Lactobacillus and Bifidus.

Miriam Bollier

Miriam Bollier

Works with a passion for image and text in marketing & communication. Loves her job and enjoys discovering the hidden treasures of nature. Mother of two little sports fans and always on the move herself. Enjoys the chaotic and beautiful family life. Enthusiastic about people, good food, the Swiss mountains and other beautiful things in life.