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More energy in everyday life: the right diet & helpful tips

Challenges in everyday professional and private life can leave you feeling drained and exhausted. After all, stress can be very stressful. What many people don’t realise, however, is that the right diet and a few tips can lead to more energy. This article shows you how to get more energy in everyday life for training, your job and other demands.

Lack of energy in everyday life: the causes

Everyone lacks energy at some point. There can be many reasons for this. Temporary tiredness can occur if you slept badly or insufficiently the previous night. However, temporary stressful phases can also favour tiredness.

However, there is also permanent fatigue, i.e. chronic states of exhaustion. In these cases, there is a lack of energy for work, sport and everything else. There are the following causes:

– Persistent poor sleep or lack of sleep

– Unhealthy diet

– Persistent stress

Dehydration, alcohol consumption or psychological complaints can also contribute to fatigue in everyday life. In addition, constant tiredness can be a symptom of an illness. Anyone who is unsure about this and experiences severe symptoms should consult a doctor.

How do you get more energy in everyday life? – 5 methods

No matter what the cause – if you feel drained, everything becomes more difficult. That’s why you should have methods ready to help you when you need more energy in everyday life. These 5 tips will help give you more drive and vigour .

1. Sufficient healthy sleep

For more energy in everyday life, to do sports in the gym or to fulfil professional requirements, healthy sleep is the be-all and end-all. In fact, performance depends on the quality and duration of sleep .

An adult needs an average of 7-8 hours of healthy sleep per night. During this time, the body can regenerate. If the quality of sleep is not right or you don’t get enough sleep, many processes in the body suffer.

2. Exercise for more energy

Exercise is a helpful way to feel more energy in the body. Of course, you shouldn’t do sport when you’re overtired. But if you are well rested but feel drained of energy, you can certainly boost your energy levels by going to the gym or doing a workout at home.

Various metabolic processes in the body are stimulated by exercise and you feel fresher and fitter afterwards. The effect is particularly strong when you exercise in the fresh air.

3. Water against dehydration

Dehydration can make you tired. You should therefore drink enough to increase your energy levels in everyday life. Water or unsweetened tea is particularly recommended. A lack of fluids not only makes you tired and listless, but also has a negative effect on various organs. Water is an important component of every body cell.

4. Active relaxation for more energy in everyday life

Stressful times in particular require regular breaks to take a deep breath. It is especially important to take time out now and again when you have to fulfil many demands.

It is important to take conscious breaks to recharge your batteries. It is important that these breaks are energising and not an additional burden. That’s why smartphone breaks are often not very relaxing. Breathing exercises, conscious walks or forest bathing are more suitable. Self-care is very important here: You should find things that are good for you and practise them to gain more energy for everyday life.

5. Laugh more

Tiredness and depressive moods often go hand in hand – especially in the winter months. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between winter depression and general tiredness. That’s why a top tip for more energy in everyday life is to simply laugh more.

Those affected often have to overcome themselves first and “force” themselves to laugh or smile. However, if they succeed, something very practical happens in the body: laughter releases happiness hormones – even if it wasn’t meant to be serious at first. Laughing can therefore lift the mood and lead to more energy in everyday life.

That’s why it’s also worth surrounding yourself with nice things and nice people. If you feel good, you can often recharge your batteries and start the day full of energy.

By the way: In order for the body to produce the happiness hormone serotonin, L-tryptophan is required. This amino acid has it all and can boost the effect even more. This keeps you in a good mood.

More energy in everyday life: the effect of the right diet

Nutrition plays an important role in every area of life. In fact, the right diet is also necessary for more energy in everyday life. Which nutrients are considered energising in detail and where are they contained?

B vitamins

B vitamins are regarded as the ultimate fitness boosters. Those who suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency usually have very thin nerves, struggle with listlessness and lose performance. Vitamin B12 is also said to support the proper functioning of the immune system. It can be found in leafy vegetables, fish, sauerkraut and cereals, for example.

Vitamin B6 should also be mentioned in this context. It is said to keep the immune and nervous systems in balance and thus reduce fatigue and tiredness. It is found in salmon, herring, chicken, walnuts and avocados.

Folic acid

A lack of folic acid (vitamin B9) can also lead to tiredness and even lethargy. Many people affected also notice a lack of concentration and slight forgetfulness. Folic acid is found in green vegetables, pulses, nuts, sprouts and wheat germ.

The niacin (vitamin B3) contained in anchovies, tuna, salmon and mackerel also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system. It also fulfils numerous tasks in the psyche. Niacin can also reduce tiredness as it supports energy metabolism.

Vitamin B5 – also known as pantothenic acid – is also heavily involved in the metabolic processes of the human organism. Although deficiency symptoms are rare, vitamin B5 is considered important for general health. It is found in foods such as fish, milk and pulses.


One symptom of magnesium deficiency is tiredness and fatigue. Conversely, this means that a sufficient intake of magnesium can lead to more energy in everyday life. Magnesium is found in dark chocolate, pulses, almonds, pumpkin seeds and wholemeal products, among other things.

Vitamin C

A vitamin C deficiency also manifests itself in the form of tiredness, irritability and listlessness. An adequate supply of the vitamin is therefore essential. Vitamin C is mainly found in citrus fruits, but also in kale, broccoli and peppers.


Iron is absolutely essential when it comes to having more energy in everyday life. Without iron, an adequate supply of oxygen to cells and organs is not possible. The result: those affected are permanently tired and look pale. Dry skin is also a sign of iron deficiency. Iron can be obtained from red meat, pulses or nuts in the diet.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as the sun vitamin, as it can be produced by the body itself when it is exposed to the sun. If the body lacks vitamin D, this is often noticeable in the form of depressive moods, tiredness and reduced performance. However, headaches and circulatory problems are also among the symptoms. There is hardly any vitamin D in food. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring contain vitamin D. It can also be found in egg yolk and some edible mushrooms.

Vitamin D supplements are particularly suitable if you want to have more energy in winter . As the vitamin is mainly formed through exposure to the sun, it is often lacking in the cold season. When taking it, it is important to pay close attention to the dosage and only take high-quality food supplements such as those from Kingnature.

More energy in everyday life through conscious nutrition

If you want to feel more energy in everyday life, it is not only the intake of certain nutrients that is essential. You should also make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid foods that are heavy on the stomach.

It is therefore better to focus on fruit, vegetables and pulses and avoid fatty, fried foods. Fast food and ready meals are unhealthy for many reasons. Above all, they make you tired!


More energy in everyday life can be achieved with a few tips and tricks and a balanced diet. However, if none of these tips have any effect, it is advisable to see a doctor. They can identify possible illness-related causes of fatigue in everyday life. In such cases, medical advice should definitely be sought. Home remedies are usually of little help for serious illnesses.



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