Amino Vida in the maxi can – space for almost 1000 pellets!
Our Amino Vida product is extremely popular with our customers. No wonder; there is no better way to consume proteins. Strictly speaking, it is not a protein preparation, but amino acids that have already been broken down (hydrolysed).
Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins. They form our body tissues (e.g. organs or muscles) and have countless other important functions in our body. Most proteins that we absorb from food consist of chains of over a hundred amino acids. In the stomach and intestines, the proteins undergo several cleavage processes, also known as hydrolysis. This is because only individual, hydrolysed amino acids can finally pass through the intestinal wall into the blood.
Amino Vida contains 240 pellets with 500 mg of amino acids each. However, we have received a lot of customer feedback that packaging with a larger quantity of pellets would be desirable. We were happy to fulfil this request and now offer the maxi can. Amino Vida’s big brother contains 960 pellets, which is four times the amount of Amino Vida. The pellets in the maxi can are absolutely identical to those in Amino Vida.
You can now choose whether you want to order the smaller or the maxi can with the Amino Vida product.
What are the advantages of Amino Vida (whether from the maxi can or the “small” can)?
- Amino Vida offers an optimal ratio of all eight essential amino acids (EAA – Essential Amino Acids)
- Amino Vida also contains the semi-essential amino acid L-arginine
- Amino Vida contains the amino acids in hydrolysed form
- Amino Vida is therefore absorbed in the small intestine within a very short time and is available to the body more quickly
- Thanks to its hydrolysed form, Amino Vida is also an ideal source of protein for people with kidney and liver problems
- Amino Vida is almost calorie-free (only 0.5 kcal in 10 pellets)
- 99 % of Amino Vida is utilised for muscle building
- Amino Vida produces only 1% nitrogen waste (this is a very low value compared to other protein sources)
Find out more about Amino Vida!