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Aronia Vida helping with my dogs pain

My Yorkshire terrier, Jaimie, is 16 years old, weighs 2.3 kg, and although he is blind, is still in good health thanks to Aronia (1/3 of a capsule per day) and Q10 (1 capsule per day in the morning). Occassionally I also put Amino Vida ( 1/3 of a crushed capsule per day) into his food.

He has joint problems in his hind legs in the knee area. The vet prescribed a painkiller (Rimadyl 20 mg chewable tablets). I find that the painkiller works even better  when combined with Aronia and Q10.

Occassionally when he has digestive problems,  I mix baobab powder into his food, which helps immediately every time. It would be great if you could include this natural product in your product range. I am already a huge fan of  your products and use them to treat family members and friends.



LaraIvankovic is passionate about writing informative and helpful content. LaraIvankovic hasn't provided personal information yet, but it will be available here soon.

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